Move Better
Once you feel better, it's time to move better!
Getting back to baseline is great. It means rehab worked and you're back to doing the things you could before your pain or injury. But what if you could be better than baseline? Baseline is what got you in the predicament you sought Physical Therapy for. So, why not aim for better than baseline? Aim to move like you never thought possible and make pain, injury, and falls a thing of the past. Ready to set high goals? We're ready to help guide you there!
Individual wellness programs and fitness classes are targeted towards improvement of strength, balance, and mobility to improve your confidence in daily and recreational activities!

Can help:
Reduce pain and inflammation
Improve your blood pressure and lung capacity
Reduce your risk of osteoporosis and osteopenia
Reduce your risk of falls
Maximize your athletic performance
Improve your overall health and well-being
Help you achieve active goals you never thought possible

Looking through your options and not sure where your concerns fit in? No problem. Send us a message to set up a FREE Discovery Visit and screening where we will look at your movements, assess and discuss your pain, and help you choose the right path to achieve your goals and needs!